Standing on the 'backs', the lawns at the back of King's College that back on to the River Cam, complete with pathways and benches.
When you’re suffering from a drought, there’s no watering of gardens, just like back home in South Africa. The only difference is, here in Cambridge, UK, their drought condition is not anything we would recognize. Everything is green, blooming and there are daily doses of rain, some of it drenching and torrential. But context and perspective are everything.
Those are just to of many aspects we’re covering in a leadership development programme here at University of Cambridge. Fortunately a colleague and I managed to speed walk our way around town in the hour or two between arriving and the formal start of the programme, during a brilliantly sunny break in the weather.
And as there was actually someone with me, I get to share photos with me in them for a change! Thank you HS for your excellent shots!

The perfect punting day? It looks that way although it's actually chilly. Determined to try my hand at this, literally, either this time of when I return in summer.
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