Calvin, Grammy and Jay hang out at the fountain in Madison Square Park, while a country band strikes up tunes in the background. (Unfortunately that long, snaking line in the background was for Shake Shack, so we went elsewhere for our lunch.)
Little did we realise how very fortunate the timing of Calvin’s Grammy’s visit was, until we had to face the daily commute through the heightened security tied to the General Assembly opening (at the end of September.) Throngs of Presidents, entourages and security resulted in odd bus routes, road closures and back-ups along every other available route. So what a pleasure to be able to let the little guy sleep in under the care of Grammy, while we battled in — a far less daunting process without toddler in tow. (For those not in the know, a toddler-in-tow is precisely the opposite of, say, a lady-in-waiting. One resists, desists and insists on other things, while the other is possibly quite a helpful person to have with you.)

Calvin and Grammy at the giant Old Navy shop in Chelsea, which has to be the most under-rated source of great clothes for young children that's hardly ever synthetic and almost always reasonably priced.
On the other hand, a Grammy is a most wonderful person to have in your home at any time. Fun times were had for all, including some time on our own to get out on the town, enjoyable family dinners together, going together to a few of Calvin’s inaugural mixed martial arts classes and getting Calvin equipped with his winter wardrobe.
The General Assembly (GA) keeps busy passing many important resolutions, however our family has also passed its own GA-related resolution. It goes something like this: Either we get out of town during GA time, or we lobby hard for a visit from Grammy. There are a few more photos from Grammy’s visit, CLICK HERE to see them.

Another of the many benefits of having Grammy on hand: someone else to take the photos so we actually get one of the three of us together. (Not to worry, Calvin is not imbibing caffeine, he has my decaf white chocolate mocha... but we do find the way he crosses his legs to be hilarious.)
One response
It is nice to get photos of the whole family. I think I have two pictures of myself.