This has been a week of a million little pieces, but not in that shamed-off-the-shelves piece of literature. Simply, many, small, barely remarkable things that together make up the sum of a life.

Bloomin' heck! I love those peonies!
Upon reflection… some of those pieces are not so small, especially my mom’s birthday — hip hip hooray!, and the massive and unexpected bouquet of anniversary blooms that brightened my building.
Then again, some of them are barely worth mentioning, like the fact that I unsuccessfully resisted the urge to try a packet of those Giant Cheetos. Conclusion: not worth the calories or the artificial ingredients.
And some fall in between, like my exponential increase in enjoyment of cups of honeybush and rooibos tea. This is connected to catching up with episodes of ‘The No. 1 Ladies’ detective Agency’ series on HBO. Kudos for a great job at capturing the flavour of Gabs (the capital, Gaborone), the vast spaces and the warm people. And there are so many points of resonance for me. From the reminder that SeTswana and SeSotho (the dominant language of my hometown) are pretty close, to that white, 1400 Datsun bakkie (pick-up truck) that Mma Ramotswe drives, which is the exact same make and model that my dad drove for years. And obviously the bush tea angle.
Speaking of which, I need a refill…
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