Reading in the morning at the diningroom table...

Bedtime reading material in pajamas
The reading fest continues at creche and sometimes he will try to tell me a little about what he’s read that day if it’s been particularly interesting.
Last week his class read a book titled ‘Digger man’ which clearly made an impression. This weekend, we had to play “digger man” with his excavator (a.k.a. Calvin digger man) and his crane (a.k.a. Mama digger man) zipping around the carpet and stopping every so often to say, “Hello” and “How do you do?” and “Bye bye” to each other.
Finally, there are books with dinner and books before bedtime, sometimes with attempts to convince us to read more than the allotted three bedtime books he chooses. Tonight’s picks? A highly-abridged version of Jacob two-Two and the Hooded Fang; Carrot Soup; and Meerkat Mail.
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