Looking back on recent weeks makes me realize how much I have yet to blog about, but more importantly, how much I have to be thankful for.
There is certainly something wonderful about the American tradition of Thanksgiving, especially when experienced as the opportunity to spend both quality and quantity time with your family, and when used as a time to reflect upon and be truly aware and thankful for one’s many personal blessings.
This year we were truly spoiled. We took a week off and spent it in Ohio with Jay’s family. It was great to see everyone, be able to have extended conversations and shared meals — not only the ‘big one’ on Thanksgiving Thursday.
There were many memorable meals, from R’s special strada breakfast to A’s crumpets and jams. We even had a Martha Stewart moment, baking up mini-banana breads in New York and, with Jay’s canny packing abilities, managing to transport them pristinely in the checked luggage all the way to their intended recipients!
The entire week was a celebration of family. Brothers- and sisters-in-law teaming up on household chores and cooking. Cousins playing together — it’s amazing that four young people between almost two and 12 could get along so well! A formal family dinner out (see photo right.) Even the yet-to-be-born had their special moment with a bountiful baby shower for Calvin! (But more about that in a separate posting to come.)
So the reasons to be thankful and to thank mounted up exponentially over the week. What a priviledged place that is to be.
Technorati tags: Thanksgiving Family Food Gratitude
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